WKCYS 2025 Winter Basketball LeagueATTENTION: All registration applications must now be submitted online. We no longer are accepting paper applications. Click Here to begin the registration application for your player(s)!Age Divisions: 4 & 5 year old, 1st & 2nd grade, 3rd & 4th grade, 5th & 6th gradeIMPORTANT DATES TO REMEMBER
Sept 30 - Dec 10 - Registration Dates
TBA - advisory board & coaches meeting (all divisions)
December 7 - Mandatory Skills Assessment (1st grade players and older)
December 8-10 - Wait List Registration
December 17 - Coaches Draft (1st & 2nd grade division)
December 18 - coaches draft (3rd & 4th grade division)
December 19 - coaches draft (5th & 6th grade division)
January 1 - Practice Week Begins
January 11 - First Saturday of Games
March 1 - Championship Saturday / Final Games / Award Ceremony
SKILLS ASSESSMENT INFORMATION for December 2nd (Mandatory for 1st grade players and older)9am: 1st & 2nd grade Girls and Boys
10am: 3rd & 4th grade Girls and Boys
11am: 5th & 6th grade Girls and Boys
ATTENTION: The Dec 7 Skills Assessment & Final Registration Day will
be held at the Ingram Tom Moore High School Gym (700 TX-39) and will NOT be at the WKCYS gym (510 College St.)
$65 for first child / $50 for each additional child
After December 4th - $90 for each child and child will be placed on a wait listATTENTION: Since you will be submitting registration applications online, you will have the option to pay registration fees by credit card. You will also have the option to pay by cash or check.
make checks payable to "WKCYS", and cash or checks can be mailed or dropped off at:
1 Stop Advertising & Printing
404 Junction Hwy
Kerrville, TX 78028
Registration fees can also be dropped off at Hunt ISD and Ingram Elementary School.
Call 830-353-1313 or email
[email protected] regarding questions or scholarship needs
Click Here to begin the registration application for your player(s)!